The Thousand Years of Woman and Peace
A New Knowledge is About to Overtake the World and Change Everything.
Upcoming Events
Weekly Three Hour Workshop
How to Read the Tarot
Los Angeles, California
This is a hands-on opportunity to learn the secret configuration to the 78 Tarot cards based on the Tree of Life. These are small classes, maximum of ten people, gathering in back house in a rose garden in West LA. Inquire for dates and times available.
Past Events
Science & Nonduality • October 19-21, 2017
Science & Non-duality offered me a space to explain the Cabalistic meaning of time and creation on a poster-board 4 ft by 8 ft towards the end of October in San Jose, California. I am excited to present my ideas to scientists.
Beloved • August 11-14, 2017
Beloved is a very well put together festival near Portland. Love is the theme but music from around the world is the life of the party. There are also lectures and other events.
Oregon Eclipse • August 17-23, 2017
Eclipse 2017 is a huge gathering of peoples from around the world under the umbrella of different festivals throughout the world. Here I will be leading a meditation before the Shabbot and offering up a talk after the eclipse about the meaning of our time.
Mystic Rising • August 24-27, 2017
Mystic Rising in the fall will be held on a mountaintop ten miles from my home near immigrant Lake where Banana Jelly was staged in the spring. This is a magnificent site for a festival coming right after the eclipse.
Rainbow Gathering • July 1-7, 2017
I love Rainbow. If the officials running our country cared about the people, they would see to it Rainbow gatherings could happen continually throughout the land. A Rainbow gathering is transformative, therapeutic and enlightening—the power of love.
HempFest • June 23-25, 2017
HempFest was billed to have a hundred vendors, which may have been true, but there wasn’t anyone else. The low turnout may have been because of the weather—the temperature was over a hundred. However, there was a little creek with cool water behind the stage where I cooled off.
Mystic Rising • June 16-18, 2017
Mystic Rising was held at the Jackson Wellsprings in Ashland the town where I live. I was busy reading cards for three days, when I was not going into the spa to luxuriate. For some reason, almost all the readings had to do with transition and separation. It was strange.
Banana Jelly • May 26-28, 2017
Banana Jelly was the response to the rise in prices at Apple Jam - both early season gatherings. I went to Apple Jam on the last day and people were complaining about too much drinking and hard drugs. Banana Jelly was sparse but clean and expansive. I hope to go back to the location for Mystic Rising in the Fall.